Oral Ulcer (Mouth Sore) : Causes, Symptoms, Danger Signs, Healthy Tips, Medicines, Oral Applications

    Are you afraid of taking mouth tearing spices ? Are you suffering from burning tongue while eating your favourite dishes ?  Then are reading the correct article for all of your worries. Here I came with some unbelievable herbal medicines and home remedies for such symptoms.

Causes of Mouth Ulcers 

  • Lack in intake of Vitamin B complex & Folic Acid rich diet or supplements. It is the most prevailing factor of mouth ulcer.
  • Dentures means persons who are using any artificial teeth. Due to poor attachment or any sharp edge or any trauma during putting that or if they are not properly cleaned and used for a long time then that can cause some loss of mucosal membrane and that can led to mouth ulcer.
  • Any broken teeth in side the mouth can cause some ulceration repeatedly
  • Mental stress is very deeply associated with recurrent mouth ulcer.
  • Some of the components of  toothpaste also sensitive for particular persons and in them it creates mouth ulcer.
  • Our oral cavity shows the picture of our gastro-intestinal track such ulcer always refers some abnormalities in our guts such as liver discover of indigestion or vitamin and mineral deficiencies or loss of gastric flora.
  • Poor oral hygiene is the most common cause where poor brushing, lack of using floss, are the major factors.

  • Vitamin C deficiency, which is common when people used to take less amount of it’s sources.
  • During pregnancy few of the women develops such symptoms due to lack of necessary nutrition and hormonal changes.
  • Trauma or chemical injury to the oral cavity.
  • Tobacco addictions is a major causes world wide. The people having tobacco habits trends to bad oral hygiene and in logger term of use it causes mouth ulcers and few of such are always shows the scenario of upcoming carcinogenic changes. 
  • People having the habit of Betel Quid addiction (Pan/Betel Leaf & Areca Nut/Suppari with Tobacco ) also uses Lime (Chun) or is a alkaline media a sever mucosal irritant and people having such addiction often comes
  • During puberty and menstrual cycle some women used to develop such symptoms which may be due to some hormonal imbalance in the body women trends to develop such mucosal ulcerations.
  • Lack of seasonal fruits and vegetable intake causes some serious deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body and that reflects in form of Mouth Ulcer.
  • Too much hard brushing or brushing with a new hard toothbrush causes the loss of mucosal membrane of the gums and that leads to mucosal ulceration.
  • Excessive alcohol intake causes the loss of normal condition of the GI track and that can cause imbalance in digestion and synthesis of essential vitamins and lack of such vitamin and minerals causes mouth ulcer.
  • Patients having very poor immunity are the frequent sufferer of mouth ulcerations like tuberculosis, AIDS etc.
  • Use of excess spices in diet is also a major cause.
  • Some people suffers from recurrent diarrhoea and in such cases patients used to develop mouth ulcer recurrently.
  • Patients suffering from lack of hemoglobin means anemia is a major cause of recurrent mouth ulcerations.
  • People who are suffering from worm infestation can develop easily mouth ulcer.  

Danger Signals Of Mouth Ulcers:

  • Tounge is the mirror of your gastrointestinal stratus. Doctors can diagnose many underlying diseases just by observing the nature of Tounge. 
  • There are many types of mouth ulcers. Few of the ulcers are the representative of few carcinoma and proper diagnosis in proper time can save many lives. So always consult with your doctor when ever you are suffering from such diseases. 

11 Things to remember: 

  1. Plenty amount of vitamin C rich diet.(One thing we must remember the excess amount of Vitamin C also causes  mouth ulcer and kidney stones)
  2. Consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  3. Use some mouthwash by preparing at home, (Clove/Lavabga, Dalchini/Cinnamon, Common Salt, Elachi/Cardamom, Tulsi  leafs/Holy basil, Neem leafs/Azadirachta indica, Haldi/Cumin juice and make a decoction your homemade mouthwash is ready)
  4. Always use to wash your mouth after every heavy meal.
  5. Never forget to rise your mouth after taking some sweets.
  6. Sour fruits always contains some rich sources of vitamin C so go for that.
  7. Avoid tobacco and Betel Quid
  8. Maintain oral hygiene, brush your teeth twice a daily.
  9. If you are using any dentures then make it sure that it is fitting nicely in the cavity and not irritating any part. More over after certain period always wash this dentures with antiseptic liquids.
  10. You may be a victim of worms and for which you are developing such symptoms. So proper attention should be given to that area.
  11. You have dental tartar then visit a dental Surgeon nearby for scaling of your teeth. 


  • Tab. G-32 (Alarsin)
  • Tab. Septilin (Himalaya)
  • Tab. Sepno (Selveo)
  • Tab. SIVA Herbal Drops (Dr. Jrk Siddha)
  • Tab. Prataplankeswer Ras (Classical)
  • Tab. Kaishore Guggulu (Classical)
  • Tab. Extraimmune (Charak)
  • Phalatrikadhi Ghritam (Classical) 
  • Khadiradi Vati (Classical)
  • Dashmoolarista  (Classical)
  • Balarista  (Classical)
  • Cavanprash (Classical)
  • Amlalaki Rasayan (Classical)
  • Cap. Richelth (Charak)
  • Triphala Churna (Classical)
  • Cap. Triphala (Himalaya)
  • Louhasav (Classical)
  • Gudduchayadhi Louha (Classical)

Local Application

  • Gum Tone Powder (Charak)
  • Gum Tone Gel Toothpaste (Charak)
  • Trudent Toothpaste
  • HiOra K Toothpaste (Himalaya)
  • HiOra K Mouth Wash(Himalaya)
  • Glycoseptal Mouth Wash (Jupiter)
  • AD Septal Mouth Wash(Arunava)
  • G 32 Mouth Paint (Alarsin)
  • Dentone Tooth 

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  1. nice 1..bt d khadiradi vati is missing...which hs very effective result

  2. Nice , I face this problem very much, hope it will solve it.Where I get all this medicine.

  3. Dear Brother Soumyajit thanks for your suggestion. I added that. Plz continue your visit.

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