Khadira (Acacia Catechu/Khair) : Scintific Name, Local Names, Interesting Facts, Medicinal Properties, Contraindications, Preparations

Scientific Name

  • Acacia Catechu

Local Names

  • Khadira, Khair, Raktasar, Dhantadhaban, Kantaki, Balatraya, Yajiya, Sandhra, Karangalli, Kaggali, Cutch Tree.

Part Used

  1. Bark,
  2. Khadirswar (Steam Ext)

Interesting Facts

  1. The tree of Acacia catechu is seen all over India.
  2. This tree was a very important export product that is sent from India, as it was an important product for cloth industries.
  3. This plant is use majorly for the purpose of dyeing and tanning in industries.
  4. In the17th Century first time, this plan was cultivated in Europe.
  5. The eastern slopes of the Western Ghats and the Himalayan tracts are main native land of this plant.
  6. This tree is almost 50 feet long
  7. The flowers are long spikes, and the fruit is a strap-shaped pod.
  8. In food and drink items it is used as flavouring agent
  9. It can be seen in 5000ft above sea level.
  10. Perfume is also made from it named Cassie perfume

Medicinal Properties & Uses

  1. The plant extract acts fine on fungal growths as a super duper herbal anti-fungal agent.
  2. Useful in liver disorder.
  3. It helps in clotting blood.
  4. Good for Kidney.
  5. It is good for any swelling in spleen.
  6. It is good for worm infestation
  7. It increases appetite. 
  8. It is good for women suffering from looseness of vaginal. 
  9. Useful in chronic fever.
  10. It is good for Haemorrhoids.
  11. It is good for swelling of throat or nose.
  12. It is good for colitis.
  13. It is useful in cancer.
  14. Useful in bleeding disorders.
  15. Useful in dressing of wounds.
  16. Useful in minor cuts.
  17. Useful in stomatitis.
  18. Useful in laryngitis.
  19. Useful in sore throat.
  20. It can be used as a natural birth-controlling herb.
  21. It acts great in the cases of mouth ulcers.
  22. It is a herbal cure for the cases of gingivitis.
  23. It is also used for the treatment of Leukemia. 
  24. It works as a blood purifier.
  25. It works great for many skin disorders.
  26. Good for patients suffering from eczema.
  27. Treats dysentery, diarrhoea and the problem of stomatitis
  28. This plant is also known to treat sores and the problem of skin afflictions.
  29. The bark of the plant is used as an antipyretic as well as anti-inflammatory
  30. substance.
  31. The bark cures psoriasis, anaemia, ulcers, gum issues.
  32. Treats the problem of leprosy.
  33. Indicated for swelling in spleen.Good for Skin disorders.
  34. A very good thing for the treatment of Constipation. 
  35. Acacia catechu liquid is very good for people suffering from obesity.
  36. A very strong combination of Acacia catechu extract and milk can cure
  37. complains of  bronchitis.
  38. The distilled water of the plant is used to cure acute body pains. 
  39. It is good for cough. 
  40. It is good for tonsillitis.It is good for Dysentery.
  41. It is good for osteoarthritis.


Almost a safe herb and no such adverse effect noted yet. However, little precaution is better take as very less studies till now conducted on his herbs like
  • Avoid in Pregnancy.
  • Avoid during lactation.
  • Avoid during pre-operative or post-operative stages.
  • Avoid in any case of reaction noted after use.


  1. Syp. Khadirarista
  2. Syp. Khadiradi Kwath
  3. Khadirastak
  4. Tab. Khadiradi Vati

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